Evaluation of the Best Theoretic Approach DFT Based for Indirect Spin-Spin Coupling Constants of 3-Ishwarone

  • Eduardo da Conceição Walter Mors Institute of Research on Natural Products (IPPN), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
  • Mauro Barbosa de Amorim Walter Mors Institute of Research on Natural Products (IPPN), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)


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Como Citar
Conceição, E. da, & Amorim, M. B. de. (2015). Evaluation of the Best Theoretic Approach DFT Based for Indirect Spin-Spin Coupling Constants of 3-Ishwarone. Revista Processos Químicos, 9(18), 265-266. https://doi.org/10.19142/rpq.v9i18.317