Zn-doped BaTiO3 Materials: A DFT Investigation for Optoelectronic and Ferroelectric Properties Improvement
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24. A. Y. Fasasi, M. Maaza, E. G. Rohwer, D. Knoessen, C. Theron, A. Leitch and U. Buttner, Thin Solid Films, 516, (2008).
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26. J.-P. Zou, L.-Z. Zhang, S.-L. Luo, L.-H. Leng, X.-B. Luo, M.-J. Zhang, Y. Luo and G.-C. Guo, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37, (2012).
27. H.-S. Kwon, H.-I. Yoo, C.-H. Kim and K.-H. Hur, Journal of Applied Physics, 107, (2010).
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38. R. Dovesi, V. R. Saunders, C. Roetti, R. Orlando, C. M. ZicovichWilson, F. Pascale, B. Civalleri, K. Doll, N. M. Harrison, I. J. Bush, P. D’Arco and M. Llunell, CRYSTAL09 User’s Manual (University of Torino, Torino, 2009).
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44. W. Wang, Q. Zhao, J. Xu and D. Yu, CrystEngComm, 14, (2012).
45. S. Cho, S. Kim, E. Oh, S.-H. Jung and K.-H. Lee, CrystEngComm, 11, (2009).
46. P. Chen, L. Gu and X. Cao, CrystEngComm, 12, (2010).
47. Y. Yang, J. Qi, W. Guo, Q. Liao and Y. Zhang, CrystEngComm, 12, (2010).
48. L. J. Brillson and Y. Lu, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, (2011).
49. Y. Lee, S. Lee, H. T. Ryu and D. Y. Kim, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1399, (2011).
50. J.-Z. Kong, A.-D. Li, H.-F. Zhai, H. Li, Q.-Y. Yan, J. Ma and D. Wu, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171, (2009).
51. Z. Ali, S. Ali, I. Ahmad, I. Khan and H. A. Rahnamaye Aliabad, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 420, (2013).
52. Q.-J. Liu, N.-C. Zhang, F.-S. Liu, H.-Y. Wang and Z.-T. Liu, physica status solidi (b), 250, (2013).
Como Citar
Ribeiro, R. A. P., Lacerda, L. H. da S., Andrade, A. M. de, Camilo Jr., A., & Lazaro, S. R. de. (2015). Zn-doped BaTiO3 Materials: A DFT Investigation for Optoelectronic and Ferroelectric Properties Improvement. Revista Processos Químicos, 9(18), 29-35. https://doi.org/10.19142/rpq.v9i18.247
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